
The Bridge Design Pattern
The Bridge Design Pattern

What is the Bridge Design Pattern? What the bridge pattern basically does is allow you to separate closely related objects into two categories: Abstraction and Implementation. This prevents complexity from increasing exponentially as you add more and more different classes into your application. Why …

The Adapter Design Pattern
The Adapter Design …

What is the Adapter Design Pattern? Imagine you are traveling to a different country, and the plugs for your devices don’t fit the local power sockets. What do you do? You take out your trusty European to North American power outlet adapter. This is the essence of the Adapter Design Pattern. …

The Singleton Design Pattern
The Singleton Design …

Hey! In this blog post, we’ll explore the Singleton pattern with a special emphasis on its implementation in C# for managing database connections. What’s the Singleton Design Principle? The Singleton pattern is a creational design pattern and restricts the instantiation of a class to a …

The Prototype Design Pattern
The Prototype Design …

The Prototype is a creational design pattern in software development. This pattern comes in handy when the creation of a new instance of a class is resource-intensive or when the system should not be aware of the specific object types being created. In this blog post, we will take a look into the …

The Builder Design Pattern
The Builder Design …

The Builder design pattern is a creational design pattern in software development. This pattern is used when you need to create complex objects step-by-step and want to separate the object construction process from the object representation. In this blog post, we will talk about the Builder design …

The Abstract Factory Design Pattern
The Abstract Factory …

The abstract factory pattern is a creational design pattern that helps create related objects without specifying their exact classes. This is useful when you need to create groups of objects that are interdependent. In this blog post, we will discuss the abstract factory pattern, and how to use it. …