
The Singleton Design Pattern
The Singleton Design …

Hey! In this blog post, we’ll explore the Singleton pattern with a special emphasis on its implementation in C# for managing database connections. What’s the Singleton Design Principle? The Singleton pattern is a creational design pattern and restricts the instantiation of a class to a …

Boxing and Unboxing in C#
Boxing and Unboxing in C#

Boxing and unboxing are important concepts in C# that deal with converting value types into reference types and vice versa. In this blog post, we’ll take a look into the use cases of boxing and unboxing, and explore why they’re useful. Keep in mind that excessive use of boxing and …

LINQ in C#
LINQ in C#

In this blog post, I’ll introduce you to LINQ, a powerful feature in C# that can make your life easier when working with data collections. What is LINQ? LINQ (Language Integrated Query) is a set of extension methods that allows you to query and manipulate data in a more readable way. It works …